15.3 million Kazakhstanis are insured in the OSMS-Tokezhanov
Currently, 15.3 million people are insured in the CSHI. As of September 1, 3.4 million people are still outside the medical insurance system, said Bolat Tokezhanov, Chairman of the Board of the Social Health Insurance Fund NJSC, at a briefing in the Central Security Center.
“Today 3.4 million Kazakhstanis remain uninsured in the Social Health Insurance Fund. This is 18% of the total population. Of these, more than 2 million people - CAP payers, self-payers, employees, individual entrepreneurs, persons engaged in private practice - were left outside the system due to irregular contributions. At the same time, 1.3 million people since January 2020 have never made contributions and deductions to the compulsory health insurance system and therefore do not have a status in medical insurance, "- said B.Tokezhanov.
He recalled that the grace period in the health insurance system ended on July 1 this year. According to the law "On Compulsory Health Insurance", those for whom contributions and deductions to the Fund have been regularly received since January 1, 2020, with the exception of those who are included in the 15 preferential categories, have insurance status. However, during the period of emergency, part of the population lost income and the ability to make these contributions.
“In this regard, the Fund initiated a number of proposals to the Government to restore the status of insurance to those who lost it precisely during the pandemic. The measures taken "returned" about 740 thousand people to the medical insurance system, "said the head of the medical insurance fund.
In order to participate in the insurance system, citizens need to have payments to the Fund for all months from the beginning of the year. He called on everyone who remained outside the compulsory health insurance system to become its participants.
“The insured citizens are not limited in the volume and cost of medical services. Patients who pay the minimum deductions to the CSHI within 25 thousand tenge per year receive medical care free of charge, and the amount of their contributions does not matter, ”the head of the FSMS emphasized.